Trick Shot Videos
- Hits: 5211
Trick shots have been around since the first 3-cushion billiard player figured out he could make the cue ball do magical things. Here is some historic footage circa 1940 and later. Ivory balls, wool cloth, no heaters, but wow... these guys could still shoot the lights out! The WIlle Hoppe Story is included, which finishes with some of his original trick shots.
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Player, Publisher, Promoter, Prestidigitator and Trick Shot Artist!
The efforts of Paul Frankel (aka Professor-Q-Ball) in promoting three-cushion billiards in the United States have made him one of the most recognized and admired players in the billiard community. In May 2013 he gained the attention of popular cue sports web site AZBilliards who published a wonderful article about Paul's love affair with carom. (Read the original article on AZBilliards.)
- Hits: 7474
3-Cushion Billiard Artistry That Looks Like Rocket Science!
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to play three-cushion billiards, but it sure can help if you are. And being a former executive of a company full of rocket scientists is even better. (Original story published January 4, 2013 courtesy of Andy Janquitto)
- Hits: 7037
Taking Trickshots to the Extreme!
Martin van Rhee is a talented master of Artistic Billiards from the Netherlands. His use of extreme force follow, draw and masse make his cue ball spin and fly wildly around the table - and he still makes the billiard! Here is a compilation by Martin of some of his most amazing shots.