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2020 Andy Dalisa Memorial USBA Qualifier. Ashland Elks Club, Ashland Oregon, USA
From Friday, January 24, 2020
To Sunday, January 26, 2020
Hits : 751

2020 Andy Dalisa Memorial USBA Qualifier

Ashland Elks Club

Ashland Oregon, USA



2020 Qualifier Rules

Participants must be a USBA Member or pay a $25 tournament participation fee. A sanction fee per player of $10 is also charged.

1) With 5 players, 1 player can qualify for the Nationals

2) With 10 players, 2 can qualify.

3) Thereafter, for every additional 5 players, 1 more can qualify.

4) $300 per player who qualifies is sent to the USBA which represents the $300 Nationals entry fee and any other money is paid out to the players in prize money as the tournament director sees fit. All other eligible participants in the qualifier are entitled to submit their Nationals' entry fee to the USBA if there are available spots in the Nationals. The normal entry fee is $500 but all qualifier participants receive the discounted rate of $300.

5) If a Qualifying player cannot attend the Nationals, then the USBA will use 50% ($150) of the $300 entry fee towards the running of the Nationals and will give the remaining 50% ($150) to the next-in-line player from that Qualifier that attends the Nationals up to a total of 2 more positions of finish.


Ashland Elks Lodge No. 944

255 E Main St

Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA


Contact Tom Thomsen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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