Events Calendar
Savannah Open Tournament - Pooler, Georgia, USA
Saturday, February 03, 2018, 10:00am - 08:00pm
Hits : 744
Savannah Open 3-Cushion Billiard Tournament
Where: Private room of Jamie Sibley, 6 Brighton Woods Ct, Pooler, GA 31332
Entry Fee: ONLY $10.00
One-Day Event: First Saturday of every other month beginning February 3, 2018. Start time is 10:00 AM
Format: Double elimination with "limited Innings'
Note: Race to and inning limits to be determined by number of players
Equipment: Beautiful Jimar Europa 5X10 heated table
Jamie Sibley
340 S 100 W
Hurricane, Utah 84737 USA
Contact Jamie Sibley - 315-921-8133
One Hollywod ProAm 5'X10' heated three cushion billiard table
Please call Jamie to make an appointment to play!